Blah blah blah, no real established major league talent pursued, no real proven starters to add that are desperately needed, just used parts that are mostly a crap shoot as to whether any real improvement will happen. The front office is willing to let another season of mediocrity be our brand. No wonder fewer stars want to come here!

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Awesome job Red Sox Giolito, this is a horrible signing. John Henry has literally become one of the worst owners in baseball. If your only interest is to see how fat your bank account gets, then for the sake of the fans, sell the team! Move onto something new. Sox will be lucky if they win 70 games next year! Unless something changes and Henry starts caring about us fans!!!!!

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The Red Sox are committed to saving and making money. Winning isn't necessarily THE priority right now given the moves they are making and have made so far into this off season. They know fans will show up. Good Luck with that. Expect another lost season of mediocrity.

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